Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations
Event Title: "Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations" I. Details of the event/activity: "Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations" was a pivotal session aimed at providing comprehensive insights into mastering Express JS and building a strong foundation in MongoDB. Scheduled for December 29, 2023, at 1:00 pm, the session invited participants to delve into fundamental concepts, practical applications, and the integration of these technologies. As the speaker, I, John Harvey T. Agrabio, a 4th Year BSIT Student, was honored to guide attendees through the intricacies of these crucial areas. II. Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings): Being the speaker for "Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations," I anticipated and experienced a fulfilling journey of sharing knowledge and insights. This event underscored the significance of effective communication skills i...