Build a free website with WordPress
Event Title: “Build a free website with WordPress”
I. Details of the event/activity
This online course, "Build a free website with WordPress," available through Coursera Project Network, provided a detailed guide to developing websites with WordPress. It gave attendees step-by-step instructions and practical exercises to help them understand the principles of website construction.
II. Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings):
Throughout the training, I learned a lot about building websites with WordPress. I learned how to name a website, adjust its layout, and add content. One amazing thing I learned was how to utilize Elementor, a page design software. I also learned how to use WordPress on my computer without the internet.
III. Reflections on possibilities on implementing some of the webinar input on a
practical level (practical application of learning)
After finishing the course, I decided to create my own website with WordPress. I used Elementor to make it look great and showcase my efforts. And utilizing WordPress on my computer initially allowed me to practice before launching my website online.
IV. Positive feedback (on the event organization)
The course was really easy to follow, with clear directions and interesting material to study. The lecturers were informative, and I appreciated how they explained things. Overall, it was an excellent experience in which I learned a lot.
V. Suggestions for improvements to be made/consider for future activities
It would be great if they taught us more advanced techniques or concentrated on certain topics such as plugins. It would also be good to have more activities to put our newfound knowledge into practice. Nonetheless, I thoroughly loved the training and eagerly await future learning opportunities..
VI. Photo
VII. Certificate
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