Database Developer - SQL Server/T-SQL/Database Migration
Event Title: “ Database Developer - SQL Server/T-SQL/Database Migration ” I. Details of the event/activity I started May 29 and finished May 30, 2024, I completed an online course on Udemy about database migration using Oracle SQL Developer. The course covered how to move a database from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle. It included topics like setting up a migration repository, connecting to the old database, checking the current database state, converting the database to Oracle, translating SQL objects, creating scripts for the new database, and moving data to Oracle. II. Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings): As a student, the course for me is informative but challenging. I also learned the importance of checking the current state of the database before starting the migration process, this is to avoid affecting what's in the live database. I also started to understand how to convert database models and translate T-SQL objects to Oracle SQL. While I didn’t gr...